When I was in Std6, the matrics looked like middle aged women. At 18, all I wanted to be was 21. At 25 I had a quarter life crises and now....well now I'm just depressed.
There is so much I want to achieve/do before I am 30:
- I want to live in both Turkey and Tuscany for at least 6 months a pop.
- I want to attend a TED talk.
- I want to learn to snow board and I want to have the opportunity to practice till I rock at it.
- I would like to do a refresher course in French. (Will come in handy when I live in Tuscany and want to nip across to France for some croissants.)
- I want to learn to speak conversational Xhosa. It is shocking that I struggle to greet my neighbour in her mother tongue.
- I want to take up sculpting again and I would also like to be able to paint something that I would actually consider hanging in my house.
- I want to apply the Pareto principle to everything I do.
- I want to play more golf, take up mountain biking and be more fit over all. (i.e. I want to look like Giselle Bunchen)
- I want to spend more time with family and friends.
- I would like to do a cooking course and while I am at it, learn more about wine. The former in an attempt to avoid poisoning my future kids, the latter because I too want to smell banana, vanilla, wet dog and burnt almonds when drinking wine and impress my friends while doing it.
- I would love to do a flip over the Cape Peninsula in a helicopter. And not just a 15 minute flip, a loooong one that feels like it lasts for hours.
- I want to fly first class and in a lear jet.
- Believe it or not, I want to meet Oprah.
Here's to my last night of being 26... *sniff*
Interesting list, not sure if I can help you there.
Would you settle for a bag of marshmellows?
Happy Birthday Cath!
Personally, I'd remove the Golf and Oprah bits..
@Brandon, I would take some marshies any day :)
@Joe LOL, thanks. For the record, I have a mean golf swing and I also want to meet (in no particular order) Bono, Paris Hilton, Steve Jobs and the Jolie-Pitts. (And this all before the age of 30!)
As one of those women who has reached and exceeded 30 (cough), with no kids in sight (hurray!) and at last a decreasing waistline, I can tell you that that list only keeps growing, and when you hit 30 you suddenly realise that the self-imposed deadlines were really quite unnecessary. Life gets SOOO much better, if your attitude is right; and having a whole bunch of unrealised dreams at any age is part of living.
Apart from that, life throws some strange and unexpected things at you, some better than others, and all of this makes for a happy mixed-up jumble of memories and extraordinary moments.
So what I'm saying is "Chin up, young 'un, Beyond-30 is a happy place!" :P Happy birthday, and may the next year see you ticking plenty of things off your list - including some that you didn't even know were on your list. ;-)
Weirdly enough, with my 30th in less than a week's time, I was also planning to work on a list of things-to-still-do; only, the deadline is "before I die".
Haha, pardon the pun...
Let me know when you get a mountain bike, I'd be happy to show you how awesome CPT can be from a dirt angle :-)
Thanks @Kerry-Anne and happy birthday once again!
@Martin, thanks for the offer and Happy birthday!
I remember a line from the movie 'Reality Bites'. Wynona Ryder comes up with a list of things to achieve before 30. Someone replies, "The only thing you have to be at 30, is 30."
Maybe im just saying that because im in my 20's twilight...but i think its quite true.
By the way, my blog is up. Check it out at www.mulletized.com.
Lists are like mountains... If you're a villager they loom overhead and keep you in place. If you are an explorer the mountains become your playground. Have fun!
@Brendon and @arbitrayuser nuff said. Thanks for putting things in perspective :)
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